Today is the day I have marked to get the vegetable garden ready for planting. There are a few things I want to get in the ground right away and a few things that I have missed because I wasn’t quite ready.
For instance, I wasn’t quite on the ball enough to get peas in the ground this year. I believe that was the week of mid-terms… so that one slipped by. Actually it had more to do with the fact that the dog chewed up the irrigation system than anything. Now that my husband has tended to that little blessing it’s time to get started.
So today, rain or shine,(and there has been plenty of rain) it’s time to do a little prep work. I am going to start by running out to the nursery to get a load of soil from a local nursery. They won’t tell me all the secret ingredients but I can smell the chicken manure in it and that has to be good right? We will work that new mix in with the old and get all the weeds that somehow miraculously grew over winter. How do they do that?
Today we will put in onions, lettuce and swiss chard. I don’t even know what to do with swiss chard but it seemed like a friendly plant, so I picked one up at the garden center and took it home. It will take awhile for it to grow so I have a little time to figure out what to do with it when it matures. What will you do in your garden prep today?
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