There is always that one (or two) last snow storm of the Spring that tries to throw you off your groove. You are feeling ready to take on the many tasks of Spring and then Wham! Mother Nature throws you a curve ball.
This morning my two boys were up at 5:30 getting ready to go to early morning football. Most of the time they are kind enough to let me sleep in until my alarm goes of at 6:30, but today I heard the melodious voice of my 16 year old ask, “Mom, how do you put the truck in 4-wheel drive?” That’s how I found out that I would have the day off to do a little indoor spring cleaning instead of outdoor spring cleaning and that is just never quite as fun. I decided to make the most of my day and head to the local Home Depot where I found a bag of pre-emergent to throw down. Right now I am trying to prevent the crabgrass from coming on too strong so I chose a pre-emergent from Scott’s that will not only help control crabgrass through the growing season but will also green up the grass. Be careful when you spread your pre-emergent so as not to broadcast too far into your borders and beds. You don’t want to thwart any tender ground-covers trying to break through. Now I guess I’ll start a pot of soup–what else are you going to do with a snowy day in March?
Until tomorrow then…
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