Bartzella Itoh Peony: The Perfect Cutting Flower
Garden needs Weedin’…
Today is the day I have marked to get the vegetable garden ready for planting. There are a few things I want to get in the ground right away and a few things that I have missed because I wasn’t quite ready.
For instance, I wasn’t quite on the ball enough to get peas in the ground this year. I believe that was the week of mid-terms… so that one slipped by. Actually it had more to do with the fact that the dog chewed up the irrigation system than anything. Now that my husband has tended to that little blessing it’s time to get started.
So today, rain or shine,(and there has been plenty of rain) it’s time to do a little prep work. I am going to start by running out to the nursery to get a load of soil from a local nursery. They won’t tell me all the secret ingredients but I can smell the chicken manure in it and that has to be good right? We will work that new mix in with the old and get all the weeds that somehow miraculously grew over winter. How do they do that?
Today we will put in onions, lettuce and swiss chard. I don’t even know what to do with swiss chard but it seemed like a friendly plant, so I picked one up at the garden center and took it home. It will take awhile for it to grow so I have a little time to figure out what to do with it when it matures. What will you do in your garden prep today?
A Blossom Fell…
Don’t you just love this time of year? I do. The re-birth of all things that have been sleeping rejuvenates me. The tulips and daffodils seem to be yawning and stretching as they lift themselves from the once frozen earth. The budding and blossoming trees adorn themselves with fanciful colors of spring and beckon me, with outstretched arms, to come outside and breathe in their sweet fragrance and linger in their presence.
Often I walk with a good friend. The conversation is always lively as we traverse a favorite pathway that leads us to a path beside a nearby river. Today was a spectacular show for Spring, as the blossoms danced in the slight breeze, each swaying branch vying for our attention. As I walked under the branches of five cheery trees, the happy blossoms perched in clusters there dropped a single blossom that floated gently to the ground in front of my feet. It felt like my personal invitation to springtime. Magic.
It’s a great time to grab a friend or loved one and take a walk. Notice the whimsical colors that delight the eye and fill the heart. Listen to what they say. For me it’s always the same and it sends me off to the garden center for a five gallon container of rejuvenation…
Jack Frost Siberian Bugloss
‘Purple Cascade’ Aubretia
There is always that one (or two) last snow storm of the Spring that tries to throw you off your groove. You are feeling ready to take on the many tasks of Spring and then Wham! Mother Nature throws you a curve ball.
This morning my two boys were up at 5:30 getting ready to go to early morning football. Most of the time they are kind enough to let me sleep in until my alarm goes of at 6:30, but today I heard the melodious voice of my 16 year old ask, “Mom, how do you put the truck in 4-wheel drive?” That’s how I found out that I would have the day off to do a little indoor spring cleaning instead of outdoor spring cleaning and that is just never quite as fun. I decided to make the most of my day and head to the local Home Depot where I found a bag of pre-emergent to throw down. Right now I am trying to prevent the crabgrass from coming on too strong so I chose a pre-emergent from Scott’s that will not only help control crabgrass through the growing season but will also green up the grass. Be careful when you spread your pre-emergent so as not to broadcast too far into your borders and beds. You don’t want to thwart any tender ground-covers trying to break through. Now I guess I’ll start a pot of soup–what else are you going to do with a snowy day in March?
Until tomorrow then…